

Upgrade git-repo

Upgrade git-repo to the latest version, using command:

$ git repo upgrade

Will download and install the latest version of git-repo.

If the upgrade process failed because of permissions or other reasons, it would show instruction in the output message. Please follow the instruction for manual upgrade.

$ git repo upgrade
Download git-repo: ############################################################ 100%
| Fail to upgrade. Please copy                                                   |
|         /var/folders/5d/21v9l2z12j/T/git-repo-0.2.0-619707833                  |
| to                                                                             |
|         /usr/bin/git-repo                                                      |
| by hands                                                                       |
Error: upgrade failed

For this case, run the instruction given by the example, e.g.:

$ sudo cp /var/folders/5d/21v9l2z12j/T/git-repo-0.2.0-619707833 /usr/bin/git-repo